Friday, July 20, 2007♠
ive not been updating i know. soo wth kn?
haha! aniwaes, lets start on... hmm.. MONDAY!
i just wanna tell something. i hate that bitch who walks her bitch. i wanna sit under the block my prolem arh! wtf do you care. i know you soo fat got no husband already then wanna disturb peoples life. you can go to hell with your bitch, bitch. hahahaha! okok that was soo blur rite? wanna know the full story? go to www.askamirthefullstory.com.uk . NYEHAHAHAHA!
ouh yea. school was boring, as usual. lectures and lectures. im starting to hate them. theres no point in lectures when nobodys listening. OMG! 1/4 of the whole room was playing DOTA. sooo good rite? potential failures. including me. ergh. and btw. i think im the lowest in the level in terms of MST. ergh im sooo scared that ill retain! ARGH!!!! ouh yea. after school... i forgot what happen. so lets skip to wednesday..
ok soo me and nures planned up to meet zara at her house today. soo before that. we bought that gooooooooood friend of ours stuffs, stuffs that are edible and oh-so-good-to-eat. heres what we brought for her.
CHOCOLATE ice cream.
CHOCOLATE bars ( 3 of them )
CHOCOLATE waflle ( which i ate half in the end coz i was sooo blardy hungry. HAHA!)
shes sooo lucky to have friends like me and nures. RITE ZARAchubby? RITE?? nyehahahaha!
aniwaes, went her house. and watch harry potter and the goblet of fire and order of phoenix. well, order of phoenix wasnt that good. coz pic quality sux lah. HAHAHA! aniwaes it was fun. and yea! we played cards after that! i owned them man. nures was a beginner though. but she learned fast. hahahaha! and and guess how lucky i am! i got all the four 2s in my deck once! and they were like, ok amir, you win. NYEHAHAHAHA! okok i sound sooo evil and bad coz they thought i cheated seh.. but actually i didnt. ergh! and yea, i dozed off awhile in zaras house . soo tired. haha! after all that, went back at 8.30 after watching fear factor. it was fun!
after that went to meet asyiq, syamil and farhan near my house. i was late by 1 and 1/2 hrs. soo bad of me rite? sry gays! hahaha! met up for a while and all of us parted in different ways, me going back to my house, farhan to his house, asyiq to his house and syamil to his nyanyi's hse i think. i dont quite remember. and yea the day ended quite tiring.
after school went back with yan zhao and joel. joel was being either emo or he was just plain tired. yan zhao and me was talking abt death, after death, heaven and hell and all those stuffs regarding religion. i asked him and he asked me all those qns to each other. then talked abt ghost and all. haha! yea quite freaky lah when he said the whole of yishun was last time a graveyard. O.o haha! but it was fun. hes a great guy to talk with when you dont have any other things to talk abt. and yea, went back.. met asyiq and syamil and another guy i forgot his name. lepak at SMC (luckily that bitch nvr came) and yea we parted at riverside sec when i need to take my sister at qihua. came back home blah3... you fill up the blanks. haha!
i woke up at 9. instead at 7. school starts at 8.30. and i missed 1 lesson. haha! im gonna fail my PEEE.. ergh. aniwaes, went school for maths only. was quite tired back then lah. after all the maths suffering, went back with yan zhao and boon this time. and me and yan zhao talked abt the same stuffs again! but this time more to islam and gangster, the mats ( ah-beng melayu ) and well, other stuffs abt our past schools. it was funny lah when yan zhao said this." got fish cannot swim arh?" then i and boon was like laughing lah! where got fish cannot swim. haha! then yan zhao said there is. i and boon was like "????? HUH?????" and he said this "________"
NYEHAHAHA! i ont wanna tell you guys the answer coz it will just spoil the joke if i told it. NYEHAHAHA! if you wanna know the answer, ask me ok? ahahahaha!
after that time flies sooo damn fast. the next thig i remembered is going to WRSS.
yea after me and asyiq at last meet, we went to WRSS for sjab. after reaching school, we were like, ok, i dont wanna go. "lets go to my place" asyiq said. then i was like.. were infront of the school already and now then you say this. hahaa! but then i agreed at last. just as we were abt to pass by the gate, the security guard said," tk singgah ker?" and at last we changed our plans. we went in school and just go with the flow. and its been a long time since we saw our juniors. aww... i miss them. and we met that sissy guy again. ergh! why did he come again? nb lah. aniwaes had "fun" while training them i should say.
and why did you say sorry after like 2~3 weeks of not replying back? its not worth it anymore lah. you already got a guy so try to hold that relationship for as long as possible ok? and sry but i still have a grudge on you. its just that im not showing. coz its not worth to show it infront of you. it'll just make mine and your situation worser. just let it be like this until youre prepared for a long relationship ok? for now were just friends. normal friends.
dont bother to read that. you guys just wont understand.
and yea after that me and asyiq went to his place. and watched "Just Follow Law" ahahaha!
it was a funny show i tell you. theres drama, humour (lots of it), some "sexy" scenes and lots of common sense jokes! hahaha! then went back. asyiq went of to woodlands while i went back home. and yea i cant deny it, today was FUNFUNFUN! ahaha!
can anybody teach me maths for free? i really need the help now.. okok that was sooo random. haha! if anybody can help me, ill be thankful! ^_^
im off.
♠ Let's Shuffle.