Thursday, November 29, 2007♠
ouh yea.
20/100 for maths.
well, i dont give a Fff.....forget it.
im in a confused state right now.
well so be it, nobody cares.
damn, i need to start saving up.
i really need to... im left with $100 in my bank.
how pathetic...
ouh yea, some workmates are leaving soon.
damn, if everyone leaves, im leaving too.
i work there because of the people there.
not ulimately for the pay..
some people just dont understand.
damn, i need to start going to school. fuck it.
i mean, as in go to schol early.
if not ill be exempted from taking the exams... AHHH!
alright, i dont wanna rant here all day long.
so bye.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Saturday, November 24, 2007♠
so it was done.
and i wasnt a virgin.
really larh seh! hahahaha!
aniwaes, EXAMS done. fuck it.
i just dont care anymore. hahaha! nolarh. kidding.
i dont wanna be a beggar outside asking for money in the near future.
ouh yea. england lost to croatia 3-2. damnit.
sad case. stupid manager. ahaahha!
feeling kinda strange nowadays.
i dont know why. dont ask me.
i got PMS you know. coz sumthing just came out of my shithole and it doesnt look like shit.
more to like those teriyaki balls. OOOPS.
japanese pizzas are not nice.
they got vegies in it. like 80% of the thing is covered with vegies.
ewww. but oklarh.
lets fly to the moon and make my weight 6x lesser. hahaha!
syiling keching-keching-kechingay! syiling keching-keching-kechingay! syiling keching-keching-kechingay larh! ah ah ah ah..
eh i want a PSP larh godamnit. cool sak. COOOOOOOOOOLIE MOOOOLIE!
random thoughts. shit.
heres a story for you.
a customer was going to buy a drink.
i was the cashier. so i asked "Hello mam, can i have your order?"
and she said, "Your hair is cool. one belgium ice blended with whip please?"
and go "?????" so the moral of the story is, i dont know what im typing about.
thats not even a moral larh. *TOOT*
dumbshit. this is irritating.
assclown, that was even more irritating.
fuck, i miss wesley. OMG! gayshit moments!
dont bother. hahaha!
i really need a piece of pen and paper.
to write my thoughts out. this isn't enuf. oh wait.
i think i need to improve my handwriting 1st. -_-"
ouh well. you just have spend about 5mins or less wasting your time to read my blog.
cool right?
*and everybody goes "Fuck you larh Amir. __. waste my time..."*
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007♠
nice sunny day to start off my week.
that was sarcastic. aniwaes, what a paper to start the week.
or short form for PEEEpek.
what a fucked up paper. well, im sure not hoping to pass that one.
its not like those past year papers that ive done.
formula sheet didnt help. not even one tiny lil bit.
oh well, i dont give a f..... forget it.
ended the day by going jamming.
it was nice. but the drums just had to be sucky.
not the drummer, the drums. it was like kerepek yng merepek.
wth. aniwaes, unholy confessions was a nice way to end the day.
went to outlet, and me and fiz went freeloading.
it just taste nice when its free if you know what i mean.
and i studied until 3am after that. it was a waste. nothing was understood.
next morning, woke up at 9, and i had a mugrush-ing.
err, its mugging and rushing. mugging + rushing = mugrush-ing.
met shuai ge yanzhao, got smacked for being late, as always.
but yea, they thought me for like less then 1 hour and i understand the whole thing.
soo, its sucha funny thing where lecturers can give you 8 weeks of lecture and you not listening to anyone of them, but yet you can understand everything that the lecturers have been blabbering about for less then an hour. conclusion? lecturers talk alot of cock.
and yea, the paper was freaking easy.
and i need to remind myself to bring a ruler to draw a straight line instead of using my admission card as a ruler. i looked like a cheapskate doing that. hah. but who cares.
then had a lil side trip before going to outlet.
farhan, fiz and ika was there. and azmi too.
hes fun-NY! gayshit here and there.
but still, better then that blackgay.
opps, sry racist!
went back to find that i have another.... how many hours to study maths.
but i've not even started. and im blogging.
maths just have to wait.
REMINDER TO MYSELF : Please remind yourself to forget withdrawing $20 from your bank account to payback your long overdue loan from your lil 12year old sister.
alright nites~
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Sunday, November 18, 2007♠
i feel that this blog should have some pictures in it. so yea.
lets see. hmm how about this one.

omg, such cute snowmans.

err, ????

its a thing used to suck out things when the sink's choked godamnit!


if you sprinkle, when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie!
nice one. alright.
im sooo damn bored right now.
just awaiting my MST to pass by so ill fail without even realising i did.
damnit. im soo gonna be expelled.
ouh yea, nothing else to write. just enjoy the pics up there while you can.
just dont get dirty thinking about it.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Friday, November 16, 2007♠
damn, im just not motivated to study.
here i am blogging. why?
coz im bored.
im supposed to be studying right now.
but no. im blogging.
damn. whats gonna happen to me?
fail poly. repeat module.
if not, dropout. expelled.
can't take final year test.
go to ITE. mix with the wrong kids.
be a bad boy.
then get a job.
as a drug dealer.
or maybe a mafia. who knows.
then i'd go to jail. and be a convict.
destroy my future and look back.
and realise how stupid i was last time not to study.
wow im thinking way too far.
but this still doesnt help motivate me to study.
hmm, MST coming up. and i think im gonna fail everything.
theres too much to learn, and soo lil time.
with me going at this rate, i think im gonna fail.
and get a GPA of .. i dunno 1?
and i still dont understand how the F is my GPA related to my grades.
i dont even know how to count them.
this portion of my blog is random. so just ignore.
ok. im beginning to feel that strong bond between (____-___-_____) are just falling apart.
last time, we used to hang out with each other alot.
now, you all have got your own cliques. i realised this after somebody mentioned it to me.
the cousins with the cousins. the 'heroes' and mon always with their games and hang out with their friends. and for me, well, im left out. i dunno. maybe im just bad at socialising. or issit that im bad in the sense that people dont like me for who i am? wth am i asking this qns. i dont really know. and wth did i wrote this in my blog? that is another enigma to me. but one things for sure, i missed the old times.
aniwaes. back to my poly life.
did you know that i have been failing my tests, all the way.
and if i fail this one, i think i have to quit my job.
but i love my job. its more enjoyable then studying.
but my job brings me to nowhere. it just drains your energy.
but still, i love it.
but. fuck the butts.
and that still doesnt motivates me to study.
damn, i need to go some psychotherapy operation.
so that i'll study even if im not motivated.
damn. this sucks.
i think ill start to force myself to study.
and ouh yea, before that.
i wanna say sry zara coz i cant send you off.
and sry for bugging you to teach me maths, although i know you are very2 busy.
and thanks for volunteering.
yea thats about it.
ouh yea, one last bit.
i miss my friends.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Saturday, November 10, 2007♠
sooo, its been a long time.
since ive blog.
been busy yea. working, and studying.
i have to wake up early everyday! damn. i wanna quit school.
but i dont wanna end up working as a cleaner my whole life with only an olvl cert in my hand.
i must work hard. eh whatever. this motivational talks isnt working.
i need "to chase the dragon, and alot of dragons".
so elearning week went pass quite quickly. and i feel kinda sad it did.
it was a one week break and there was alot to do at that time but i spend my half of my time in the outlet at amk hub with the SIC, and the PT barista. duh.
it was fun though. haha!
shafiq's bdae just passed, and i still havent get the photos from him. damn.
and we took like half a gb of memory containing pictures of us using bliondi's SLR camera. O.o
fun2. camwhoring is fun. but its just not my type. -_-" hahaha!
ok maybe sometimes, whn i get bored.
ouh yea! i cut my hair on my own yesterday night. not those pubic hair you perverts.
the hair on my head. yea. it looks kinda funny right now, but wth, i still look sachok. hahaaha!
whatever amir.
i need to change my blogskin. like really need to change my blogskin.
and i wanna learn how to shuffle. O.o wouldnt it be nice if i could shuffle?
not that shuffling of cards you idiotssssssss!~ shuffle is a type of dance.
i love techno and trance, but i dunno how to shuffle. hmm.. ill learn. soon. hahaha!
i wanna go jamming again. damn. but what songs are we gonna play? hmm.... beats me.
im seriously writing crap right now. ouh yea! raya was fun. hey wait...nothing. ive updated about the raya trip.
someday, over the rainbow.......... i see a pot of gold.
then i can buy my PSP.
damn, i think im gonna get my PSP on the 15th december. next2 pay here i come!
i hope i can survive long enuf for me to get my november pay.. hmmm...
alright. gtg. nothing much to talk about here. my life is not mundane but its just that theres alot of lil things to write that im tooo lazy to write about. but what i know is that im enjoying my life. and thats just about the only thing i want to stay the same for now.
till we meet again...
♠ Let's Shuffle.