Sunday, September 30, 2007♠
i love my work.
cause why? things just keep falling to my head and i make a stoned face.
and everybody goes HAHAHAHA. wth. LOL!
i feel tired but i cant sleep.
thx to coffee!! weeehoooo!~ im loving it!
ouh yea. mom and dad went to coffee bean at wheellock place.
and i went back. like, omg.
they asked me to go home early..
and i went home early like they said..
but they went to coffee bean to fetch me.
omgomgomg. this happens to people who dont have handphones.
ok shucks. people at wheellock know that i was the unlucky person who lost his handphone and ic and blah3 on my 1st day of work. damn.
i just went in that outlet and people go like " you amir? youre the guy whose hp got stolen on the 1st day of work issit?" and i go like damn, how you know? in my mind larh..
haha! im popular, for the wrong reasons.
and that alfian guy didnt bully me! dunno for what reason.
maybe coz farhana ask him not to bully me? or issit shah who said to alfian not to bully me or else *toot* . HAHAHA! kidding.
aniwaes, working at wheellock is tiring.
damn, i wana go back ang mo kio hub! and meet my homies!
i miss them sial. HAHAHA!
ok so im tired. and im not gonna write nonsense today.
coz you guys will just go "AMIR MEPEK SIA!" yea. HAHAHA!
see you gays around!
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007♠
ok, work is FUN!!!
aniwaes, lets open a topic.
a topic about being gay.
im not gay. yea.
end of topic.
everybody thinks im gay.
and i hate it.
so please dont call me gay.
if you do, then ill really fuck you upside down.
thx. =)
school was so-so larh. monday and tuesday was maths. -_-"
i wonder how i got b3 for my olevels in maths.
ive been failing maths for the past exams SEH.
WTH. i need to buck up. damn. i really need too.
and ouh yea. IDEAS class was BORING. the lecturer was. LAWL!
CRS ... was a totally PRANK. my lecturer bastard.
she go tell us CRS module changed.
to some lifestyle skills module..
then say we need to have a partner. as in GF or BF.
until the end of year 3.
and she said this, " you will be paired up with the School of Business for this module.."
and my class went berserk.. coz theyre soo fucking excited.
then she said next lesson is Speed Dating.
and everybody was screaming mad again.
but then, she said, ok, all ive said before, was all a prank.
and everybody FUCK LARH! CHIBAI!
yea. my friend really did scold the lecturer. but scold funnily larh. HAHA!
he wasted soo much energy getting soo excited over nothing. HAHAHA!
yea. and PEEE lesson, same ol' boring lecturer.
GEMS was cool.
it was the coolest ever. ok maybe not so. theres one poser in my class.
he already know about all these things then wanna brag about it in class.
sucha toot. if you know already then why you take that GEMs? sooo fucking stupid.
yea. some people are just meant to be hated.
eh you know. talking about posers. i hate posers like this *showing a big thing* much larh.
but i think i myself is a poser. sheesh. AMIR POSER. hahaha!
nvm larh eh. hahaha! ill try to act stupid like last time again.
eh, im beginning to feel stupid larh.
O.o. cooool amir... coool..
ouh yea! just now was like a AMK Hub Barista's gathering. HAHA!
1st, i went to work. then jeremy came to work.
then aan and asyiq tagged along.
hafiz came, and ika came too a lil bit later.
and they sat there, eating the coffee bean cakes and pasteries, drinking the ice blended drinks and etc. like nobody business.
haha! and yea. theres this one guy. name Danny. he talks chinese only.
and i cant understand him. sry dude!!!!
ill have to start learning chinese!!!!!!
ok guys. tmrw SCHOOl LARH!
i need to sleeep.
k bye. love you all.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Sunday, September 23, 2007♠
its been a long time since ive updated.
but who cares right? nobodys gonna read my stupid crap aniwaes.
soo. i can tell you this.
working at coffee bean is DAMN AWESOME!
the manager is awesome, the barista's working there is awesome too.
OMG. i cant quit this job. its like, FUN LARH!
i not tired working from 11 to 11 which happened yesterday.
coz the job isnt lacking in caffeine. HAHAHA!
i sooo love my job.
ouh yea, did i tell anyone i got the title ice blended king! haha!
just because i make nice spirals and petals in the cup.
and i make nice whip cream too. its always FULL. HAHAHA! serious.
oklarh. i dont wanna brag. later people call me poser.
but i know why they call me that larh. coz they JEALOUS. hahaha!
aniwaes, my HP and ic + POSB card + Ez-link card got stolen.
on my 1st day of work. but still, im not that sad about it.
coz its claimable. except for maybe the HP.
BUT WHO CARES! my hp is going to be dead soon aniwaes.
HAHAAHAHHAHAAHAHA! but i have to make errands to make IC and POSB card and yadayada.. sooo leceh.
i really feel like talking crap now larh.
but its soooooooooooooo not in my moood.
coz schools starting. damn. im beginning to hate lectures..
because of the lecturers, not my classmates.
ouh yea, did i tell you that i wanna tell you guys something but i forgot?
i just did. hahaha! sry guys. i forgot.
ouh yea, schools starting.and ive got to sleep fast. nbcb. hahaha!
seeee you tmrw people! if i can see you. HAHAHAHA!
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Thursday, September 20, 2007♠
and a stupid statement became a big issue.
aper larh. okok nothing to update.
just came online to tell something to somebody. and im done.
and i wouldnt tell you what it is coz its private and confidential.
so dont kepo2 larh eh.
im out.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007♠
i love MOS soundtracks.
MOS meaning the opposite of SOM. HAHAHA!
nolarh ass. it means Ministry Of Sound.
OMG. im addicted to their songs.
soo who SAYS NON-MATREPS cannot hear TECHNO?
wth. everybody can hear them larh.
its all up to you.
soo, yesterday was coffee bean Ice Blended Class.
=) im a natural expert in whip creaming. XP
omg, its true larh. even the person who trained us said that.
he said something like that.. "Everybody go back and train their index finger, except for him *points to me*" hahaha!
and ouh yea, making my 1st cup. it was oh-so-scary.
everybody was loooking at me. even the staffs working there.
and i went, ok.. i need to do this perfectly..
and yea. i did it! i got some claps too! well done amir.
youre gonna be the next best barista. XP
and OMG. i saw this very beautiful girl when i was doing my ice blended.
and i gave her the cup i made.
with my HP number written on it. ehehehehe...
NOLARH! that was all lies. im just kidding.
im not that straightforward.
i just said hi, and just keep quiet. XP
aniwaes, im very proud i got compliments while doing my ice blended cup
while others get like.. more lecturing then me. WEEEHOOOO!~
some people say that love in blind.
ill say this, "that was sooo out of the subject."
eh, why doesnt the sky fall?
does anybody know why?
wheres theres no pillars holding the sky..
OMG. that keeps me thinking....
whats outside of the universe?
is there any other life forms other then earth?
why are the stars soo far?
how can the black hole suck up EVEN LIGHT?
how can a supernovae explosion be sooo freaking big?
why does stars twinkle?
is the universe expading? or shrinking?
will the world end like, all the stars, sun and everything else in this universe just smacks down on earth?
and it will the the largest kaboom in the whole universe? which we will never live to tell the tale?
omg, those thoughts really scares me. damn.
i want a time machine please?
then i can go back time and withdraw my money from my bank over and over again.
and the bank just keeps topping up. oh.. that would be sooo darn damn great......
haha! wishes never do come true. haha!
especially if its a ridiculous thing. XP
ok, im bored. so if anybody went online and has nobody to talk to. please talk to me?
dont be sombong and just keep quiet, waiting for others to talk to you which will never happen.
HAHAHA! ok crap. im the one whose liddat now. XP
aniwaes, my point is, im bored all the time.
i need some music beating through my eardrums.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007♠
ok so its 4.20am now.
lets see how fast i can post this piece of shitentry. =D
soo, why i have not been updating?
let me give you a brief overview.
sleep, wake up, eat, bath, shit, pee.
and theres other stuffs too!
coffee, games, lazy, time, work, pray, no net connection.
ive been busy with all these things.
ergh. but i still wanna blog. soo here we go!
another post without pics! duh... this is normal in my definition of blogging. XP
aniwaes, how sway am i.
ill tell you what happened today.
i mean yesterday since today is yesterdays tommorrow. right?
i know you gays are confused soo just listen.
soo i didnt sleep till subuh. slept from 6~8am.
then i went tocoffee bean HQ for my orientation.
it was in redhill. 211 henderson. -_-"
it was far. and i rushed there. coz i thought my orientation was at 10am.
soo i went there to find out it was at 6pm. -_-" wth.
wth as in like WHAT THE HELL!!
i went back and slept. and went back to cofee bean again.
this time, my zipper broke, coz im too fat for my pants. nolarh kidding.
the zipper was destroyed by me? coz it got stucked. dunno why.
then i wore some baggy pants. -_-" Again. the lame face.
then i went out. and rushed again. when i board the bus did i realise that i didnt bring my POSBcard. i was supposed to top up my ezlink. then i realise i got 6 dollars. so i just continued with my journey.
then after that, reached late, but the trainer was great.
he was lame. lamer then me. thats why i said hes great. coz hes better then me. sheesh.
i envy him larh. okok that sounded gay.
aniwaes, it ended at like.. 10.32pm?!? and i reached home at 11.45pm. -_-" again. that lame face.
and now, i still havent had a shut eye. coz i dont want to and dont intend to.
and i have an orientation in 13hrs time. =P
soo heres an "S" phrase i made when i was bored.
AN "S" PHRASE FOR YOU - sometimes, someone somewhere, somehow says something stupid.
khakphuii. that was lame. i LOIKE!
can you say this?
no you cant.
coz you youre wondering what i was asking you to say.
but infact, it was a very simple question.
i asked you to say this.
you can just reply "this". hahhahaa! you selow-brained-whatever!
nyehahahaha! im bad.
saper2 boleh tolong aku tk??
ops.. sry for those who dont understand malay.
ill translate for you.
who can help me?
was that translation correct? nvm. at least you get the point.
one day i said, hey, lets make a difference!
and she said, ok, you've already made a difference by saying that.
i got into a fire but never got burnt... i think i can fly...HEROES, coming soon on November 2007.
i got into a fire and scalded every part of my body... i think i can jump down from the empire state building... LOSERS. coming soon on November 2008.
ok im done. see you guys soooooon!~
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Friday, September 14, 2007♠
this blogger is killing me.
maybe its my net connection.
or maybe this page usually uploads slowly.
i dont know, but i f**king care.
opps. sry. its fasting time.
i aint supposed to be saying these things.
have been listening to trance, house, techno songs lately.
blasting till the neighbours dance to the beat.
yea. i can have a party in my house you know.
its just that i dont want to.
coz im bad at organizing things.
its the fasting month!
and my lifestyle has been going like this.
12.30pm to 6am, staying awake. all the bathing and prayer time slotted at their right times.
then from 6am to 12.30pm, i sleep. hahahaha!
its cool yaw. you dont have to drag your way to sahur.
now my fathers being reasonable.
cool. i can work. weeehooooo!~
i know you guys are gonna ask me where i work.
and i think most of you guys know already.
but if you dont, then dont ask larh eh?
owwww.... my tail bone hurts.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Monday, September 10, 2007♠
i was like, ok.. im done with all of these things.
and i threw it away.
soo, its been 3 days since i parted with you.
and im beginning to mis you darling.
you seem soo near yet soo far.
i always see you here and there.
but i never did greet you.
coz i know, youre one hell of a liar.
but still, i miss you.
i dont know why.
im starting to hate you but still i miss you.
ah yea yea yea.. emo. but its not refering to anybody.
its refering to .... ehem2... i dont wanan share with your gays! wakakakaka!
aniwaes, what in the world is happening to the world.
okok that sounds sooo devastating.
i mean, like whats with the people living in singapore?
some sleeping in the MRT with their nose and mouth widely open.
some playing with vegetables. some bloody kid larh. kept on screaming in the MRT.
got to play with that long bean his mom gave to him and he kept quiet.
for a while. -_-" DUH. stupid pampered kids.
and some even, never washed their clothes for 1 month and wears them again.
and it smells like its dumped in sweat for over a week man. damn.
soo i shall ask this question which none have the answer to it.
what is happening to this world? or at least in singapore?
is there something that can occupy my thoughts?
like something else other then my laptop?
my poker cards? or my.... nvm.
porn isnt doing any good either. wahahahaha!
okok so i can already imagine you perverts looking at the word porn and waiting for me to tell you guys all about it. beat it larh punks.
or horny bastards. go watch youreselves. or better yet, go download it and get caught.
i just watched this video on the sex encounters with an alien.
its like the alien probed them and then they said they have sex with the alien.
and the alien shape is like... a real female! without the hair. -_-"
they must have had that vision because of one thing.
theyre deprived of SEX! haha! so they make dreamt of it and claimed its real.
STUPID! that show waste my time. id rather watch MTV.
watching .... ah nvm. later you perverts will go,"hes like one of us!" again.
im not a pervert. im just interested. XP get the difference?
and this msg is to all zac efron fans out there.
and hes hawt... NOT! hahahahaha! (soms joke)
dont understand? then nvm. youre selower then me i guess.
let me blast the speakers please? kick that bass! oh god, its 4.44PM. great. -_-"
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Thursday, September 06, 2007♠
ill just share what aishah said today.
A is for Aishah [: says:
abang amir.
i know you start with your friends along.
and when you stop, youre hoping for them to stop along with you too.
but its really up to you to stop or not.
its to ur own initiative to stop!
when you die, you die alone.
no other friends of you who started smoking with you when ure in sec 3 is gonna be with you in yr own grave!
wake up! its time for you to wake up.
biler lagik you wnna stop?
imagine 20 yrs down the road.
when youve got a family already.
you SMOKE infront of yr children.
and 10 yrs later, they also started smoking cos they learn it from you.
how would you feel?
youd feel as if youre a bad father kan?
So stop everything now.
Whatever you do, its gnna have an impact to yr own future.
i know you wnna lead a happy life like others as well.
but smoking is making yr life unhappy.
you are always worrying all the time, it makes yr life miserable.
you dont have any cig, you start worrying.
you dont have money to buy cigs, you start feeling miserable.
A is for Aishah [: says:
why worry or feel miserable all day long just for a stupid god knows how many stupid chemical x there are in one stick?
i dont wnna see you in hosp, fighting for your life how many yrs down the road.
i dont wnna see you crying cos you regret wadever you did in the past, 20 yrs down the road later.
wake up, its time you wake up.
i know old habits die hard.
remember, just try to cut down the habit.
h a b i t.
cut it down and you still have abit of it.
a b i t.
cut it down still and youre only left with?
B I T.
Come on i believe you can do it.
A is for Aishah [: says:
what if we were to bump into each other when youre a father with a cute lil son in yr hands and den youre having a sickness..
dont you love ur family?
dont you love the pple who love you?
come on, spare a thought for them.
A is for Aishah [: says:
damn. i feel guilty. i feel very guilty.
fcuk it. i gonna quit someday. damn am i gonna quit.
thx aishah. i really appreciate it. =)
and nures too. for advicing me.
and heres some snap shots of what happen.
eh wait. most of them are posing shots. ahh just look at them larh babi.

and all of us went back home.
after 1 hour of lepaks? yea. ahaha!
aniwaes, thats all folks! see you toots around someday.
and this pics uploading is killing me. -_-"
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007♠
ok my pal nures just made me wonder about something.
damn am i soo busted.
im not blaming her for popping this subject up.
haiyo. dilemma larh.
father, why must you be in sucha bad mood.
i just went out for a few hours.
is that bad? duh. i didnt do anything wrong larh.
i just went around the neighbourhood and see2 here and there.
and that is also a wrong thing to do.
ishk, ass sia.
ouh, why do trend nowdays are soo merepek.
i know i know, im a budak kuno.
no sense of fashion. im not a rich kid you know.
i wear free shirts almost everydae i tell you.
and im not shy to tell. coz i know i cant afford to buy lots and lots of nice clothes.
but free shirts looks nice too you know.
and and and, im not pampered.
still waiting for a new phone.
people people, please contact me through my house phone.
dial 999 and give them my blog address and ask them to locate me then ask then for my phone number ok? thx. my phone has died yesterday. R.I.P. stupid phone.
its spoilt larh. damnit.
i need to buy a new phone, fast.
im confused. out of all the daes, why must it be tmrw where everything just has to clash?
damnit. im gonna settle things.
eh aan!! ANGKAT PHONE KAU!...
alamak, now i realise hes playing takraw and hes phone doesnt ring. tooot!
everythings gonna be alright.
for you, not for me.
dont you know that i love you soooo much?
no? then beat it. ahahaha!
random. i was trying to act emo. tk menjadi sakz.
eh, i really have to settle things. i wanted to write more crappy stuffs.
but, time doesnt seem to stop larh.
too bad perverts out there, youll have to wait.
im out of here.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Monday, September 03, 2007♠
im just gonna update the stories of what happened last fridae.
ive ben busy lately with this and that.
and i know nobody reads my shit so thats why i dont bother to update so much. wahaha!
nolarh kidding. stupids.
if you wanna look at the pics, please go to these people's blogs
just click on them and you can be teleported directly to their blogs.
soo, it was a very fun day. i missed the performance larh.
but wth. alot of people came not to say happy teachers day but instead meet up with ol' friends.
haha! i knew i did. but still, i did say happy teachers day to those teachers i met larh. im not that heartless.
soo, met up with bros and the clique at school. and after that we split up. girls went to eat, boys went to play soccer. it was boring larh. plus our usual spot is taken by this year sec 4 students. soo fcuked up larh. we nvr played at that place anymore for a long time then they wanna conquer. oh god, please let them be catched by the police and be fined real good. yea. XP
soo we went to play in the carpark, and it was a bore too. soo in the end, we went to join in with the girls. they were eating at pizza hut. and and I WAS HUNGRY! and i think roq too. soo we met bad and went to CWP together.
in the end, we went to eat at banquet. roq treat us to the movies! $9.50 x 11 = ??? you do the maths larh, i soo lazy coz i dont wanna feel guilty of being treated by you. wahaha! XP
and and it was hairspray. errr... i think i prefer high school musical then hairspray. coz coz theres more HAWT CHIKIES IN HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL THEN IN HAIRSPRAY!! and the story ended very very very very badly. zac efron, youre not hawt larh. wahahaha!!!!
(and all the girls will be killng me after this)
after that went here and there. and then, syaza and wanie left us. -_-"
they had to leave early. duh. haha! the rest of the gang went to titanic. thats the place
where romeo and juliet died. eh no. wrong. where leonardo and juliet spread their hands and did some stupid pose? wrong again. its near woodlands mrt station idiots. haha!
we sat there and just ... sit around there at 1st. then som started with his magics, again. and then after hes out of tricks, we were bored again.. so somebody (i forgot who, i think som) started to tell ghost stories larh. this one based on real experience larh. 1st hand encounter larh.
then roq, nures, asyiq and me started to tell larh about all the ghost stories.
and then we went home at about 9am. NAH KIDDING. its PM larh.
said our last goodbyes and kisses and and and hugges and and and.. okok im exagerrating. its just goodbyes. haha! we had fun larh. but but too bad there wasnt enough of time and money to do more fun stuffs. hahaa!
soo now the stupid part of my post.
youre stupid to look at this. wahahahaha!
coz im not gonna write anything stupid today larh GUNDUHEAD!
see you around soon.
jgn nk terase that you means you. wahahahaha!
faham tk? tk faham then youre selow.
selow like sotong.
eh wait, sotong moves quite fast.
selow like turtle.
or maybe snail.
or maybe a sloth.
or maybe .... whatever! semarang! aper je!
some say leh, some say lah.
i say you, you say i
i love you, you hate i
i hentam you, you go and die.
err, that poem didnt work. nvm. it still rhymes.
i love things that rhymes.
weeeehooooo!~ im loving it.
save yourself.
join the navy. or army.
or the airforce. or just run for your lives.
i just watched the day of the kamikaze.
its very cool. japanese suicide bombers. using aeroplanes as a missile.
coolshit. but stupid. might aswell surrender. bodoh! surrender is better larh bodoh!
i dont wanna be in love, i dont wanna be in love.
♠ Let's Shuffle.