Sunday, July 29, 2007♠
friday was fun.
like fun as in fun.
fun like hell.
but it was heavenly.
blissful. =P
too bad i dont upload pics. coz i still havent get them from nures.
aniwaes, school was as usual, normal. after school went to SP tunes!
thx shiffa for the tix! =)
met nures 1st. she was still doing her PROJECT. waited for her for soo long.
5.25 dashed off to auditorium. saw shiffa and.. ama if im not wrong. waiting for us.
AND AT LAST! i gave shiffa chocolates! after like.. 3 daes? haha! sry to keep you waiting! you know im a "BUSY" man rite? nyehahaha!
then after this and that we went in. ama didnt have the green tix so she had to sit infront. aww. aniwaes, i got the green tix so we sat behind. coz were the VIPs. ??? funny rite? VIPs sitting behind! hahaha! aniwaes, the sitting arrangement was shiffa-amir-nures-ain-ubai. haha! funfunfunfunfun!!!
NOT THE SINGING OF COURSE! only like.. 3~4 of them sounded good. the rest were all crappy lah. KNOW WHY? im trying not to be a racist here, but, it was chinese songs ALMOST ALL THE WAY! and people were like, WHERES THE SUBTITLES!! WE WANT SUBTITLES! hahaha! and when there was an english song coming up, the audience will be cheering like mad! why? coz we understand english. HAHAHA!
even if some of them sang those popular chinese songs, their voice wasnt nice. really. aniwaes, the audience was going off a whole lot by a whole lot as time goes by. hahaha!! if i were the singer, it will be totally demoralising. yea. aniwaes, the malay guy got 1st runner up. not bad. but i still think its better if he got 1st prize.
then after everything ended, went to eat at fc4. but as theres almost no food left for us to eat coz the stalls are closing, we decided to go cwp to eat. kesian shiffa. from dover to woodlands then back to pasir ris. awww.. hhahaa!
eat and crapped. and yea went back home. you made my dae =). WOOOOOOO~
yesterday was quite a bore. but being with my classmates was fun! made the stage for the SATURDAY NITE FEVER, KAMPONG NITE! haha. did CIP lah. fun thing. went crazy here and there. and because of that NOODLE, the chinese girls there called me halal pork. what the hay! coz they offered me the food, then i ask issit halal? then they say yea it is. and my classmates were like eh amir! halal! NO PORK LAH! NO BABI! GO EAT! haha! then i rejected the noodles lah. coz there isnt any meat anyways. hahaha! then the girl was bringing another plate of noodles, this time with chiken. then i asked her is this for me? she said yea, if you want. then i just say ok! and my classmates was soooo jealous that only i got the noodles with the chiken wing. and everybody start surrounding me and saying THAT 1 NOT HALAL! GOT BABI! GOT PORK! THAT 1 NOT CHICKEN WING! THAT 1 PORK!,while trying to pierce their fork into my chiken, stealing it in the process. but i guard it very well and i ate every single bit of it. NYEHAHAHA! and they called me halal pork. coz my classmates started calling me halal pork after that. what the hay BTOL! hahahahahaha! went back at 10+pm.
went online and yea, chat till 2+am. haha!
and i skipped religious class todae! wohoo~! im bad. haha!
and ouh yea. im running a fever now. ergh. saiyonara for now!
tag replies~!
ZaraCHUBBY - asyiq cant come! but i think bad can! WOHOO!~ WEEHOOO!~
aunt nora - im running a fever now. but i still enjoyed my weekends!
Nurul - yes i know her. haha!
atikah - i dont know lah. ask chea hau kay? =)
syaza* - i got harry potter, transformers and just follow law only. haha!
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Thursday, July 26, 2007♠
ok im damn SHAGGED LAH SEY!
hahahahaahaha! okok inside joke. XP
aniwaes, on tuesday. OUH YEA! class start at.. 1pm.
and i went school at... 12.40. SRY SRY i was late! i couldnt find fc 1 lah sey!
hahahahaa! yea, it was funfun! nyehahahaahahaa! met shiffa at fc 1. AND SRY I DIDNT BRING CHOCOLATES FOR YOU! nnti i go buy ok?? tmrw tmrw. hahaha! dont drool now. start drooling tmrw. hahahahahaha!!!! and yea went to see the BE club doing their song dedications and all. they are sooo damn active sak.. i should have gone to school of BE. ahahaha!
ouh yea! nures came a lil later. shiffa and my class start at 1, but becoz of this and that, we stayed at fc 1 till... 1.40++? yea. soo bad rite? hahahaha! and i made new friends. i remember only.. abu, kyle, s...(dunnodunno)..ama, putri and errr.. i forgot already. okok i didnt made friends with them lah. its just that shiffa introduced me to them all. hahahaha! she was like, ok this is blah3.. and this is amir.. and she goes like that all the time somebody new came. hahaahaha!! after that, we walked to lib (nures) t7 (shiffa) t6 (me). nures waanted to go lib, shiffa going to t7 for her late class and me, t6 for MY late class. hahaha! and we crapped like shit. i can still remember shiffa's face being as red as a chilli sauce. nyehahahahaha! NO OFFENCE SHIFFA! XP. school was ok. BORING THOUGH! XP. and yea. yan zhao wanted transformers... hahahahaha!!
went to cuzzie hse and all. put inside transformers, GTA, Harry Potter and stuffs into the hardisk. haha! and silat. O.o. i got my silat UNIFORM at LAST! yay!it was big. and looks sooo COOL! it makes everyone look good. seriously. ahahahaha! and silat was fun. jump here and there, laugh here and there. haha! and went back with sam and bob (syamil and asyiq). hahahaha!
and yea class. everybody went mad abt transformers when i told them i have the movie in my hardisk already. hahaahahaha! i skipped my 8~10 and 10~12 class. haha! was too tired. i knew i had silat ysterday and till i slept late yesterday. slept at 2am. soo blardy tired. or shall i say SHAGGED? ahahaha! aniwaes the whole class was transfering transformers from the hardisk to their laptop at structured programming. hahaha! and i saw like 4~5 people watching transformers at the same time? yea. thx to me. hahahahahhahaa!
ouh yea . im feeling soo SHAGGED rite now so i think ill stop for now. hahahahahhaa!
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Monday, July 23, 2007♠
ok soo i worked 10hrs for 2 daes straight. and yea rite im dead damn tired.
aniwaes, theres nothing for me to update anyway. OUH YEA THERE IS!
some staff workers are jealous that i talked to samantha my friend. and well they gave me a warning not to talk soo much to her. WTF? my stand is next to her and my job is sooo freaking tiring. need to demo and stuffs. i cant take a break arh? stupid "UPSTAIRS". think they soo big. but infact theyre just small frys. hahahaha! my friend, leong chye oso got complained. well, to our conculsion, theyre just jealous that were talking to a beautiful gerl. hahahahaha!
and for god sake! ITS HER LAST DAY! CANT WE TALK TO HER? whatever ok you bald headed guy and you freaking fat guy. i dont know who your names are but what i know is that youre not some bigshot. and dont try to help me with the stuffs. dont act as if you feel guilty, coz i know you are guilty. giving warnings just like that. wtf lah. ask me to talk after work? after work is 10pm. everybodys gone you idiot. whatever lah ehk?
and my boss also didnt care abt the complaints that bald headed guy made. coz he knows im doing my job. HOW? coz i sold 2 products. eh like i said, whatever, semarang, aper je.
i neeeeeed MUSIC!!~
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Friday, July 20, 2007♠
ive not been updating i know. soo wth kn?
haha! aniwaes, lets start on... hmm.. MONDAY!
i just wanna tell something. i hate that bitch who walks her bitch. i wanna sit under the block my prolem arh! wtf do you care. i know you soo fat got no husband already then wanna disturb peoples life. you can go to hell with your bitch, bitch. hahahaha! okok that was soo blur rite? wanna know the full story? go to www.askamirthefullstory.com.uk . NYEHAHAHAHA!
ouh yea. school was boring, as usual. lectures and lectures. im starting to hate them. theres no point in lectures when nobodys listening. OMG! 1/4 of the whole room was playing DOTA. sooo good rite? potential failures. including me. ergh. and btw. i think im the lowest in the level in terms of MST. ergh im sooo scared that ill retain! ARGH!!!! ouh yea. after school... i forgot what happen. so lets skip to wednesday..
ok soo me and nures planned up to meet zara at her house today. soo before that. we bought that gooooooooood friend of ours stuffs, stuffs that are edible and oh-so-good-to-eat. heres what we brought for her.
CHOCOLATE ice cream.
CHOCOLATE bars ( 3 of them )
CHOCOLATE waflle ( which i ate half in the end coz i was sooo blardy hungry. HAHA!)
shes sooo lucky to have friends like me and nures. RITE ZARAchubby? RITE?? nyehahahaha!
aniwaes, went her house. and watch harry potter and the goblet of fire and order of phoenix. well, order of phoenix wasnt that good. coz pic quality sux lah. HAHAHA! aniwaes it was fun. and yea! we played cards after that! i owned them man. nures was a beginner though. but she learned fast. hahahaha! and and guess how lucky i am! i got all the four 2s in my deck once! and they were like, ok amir, you win. NYEHAHAHAHA! okok i sound sooo evil and bad coz they thought i cheated seh.. but actually i didnt. ergh! and yea, i dozed off awhile in zaras house . soo tired. haha! after all that, went back at 8.30 after watching fear factor. it was fun!
after that went to meet asyiq, syamil and farhan near my house. i was late by 1 and 1/2 hrs. soo bad of me rite? sry gays! hahaha! met up for a while and all of us parted in different ways, me going back to my house, farhan to his house, asyiq to his house and syamil to his nyanyi's hse i think. i dont quite remember. and yea the day ended quite tiring.
after school went back with yan zhao and joel. joel was being either emo or he was just plain tired. yan zhao and me was talking abt death, after death, heaven and hell and all those stuffs regarding religion. i asked him and he asked me all those qns to each other. then talked abt ghost and all. haha! yea quite freaky lah when he said the whole of yishun was last time a graveyard. O.o haha! but it was fun. hes a great guy to talk with when you dont have any other things to talk abt. and yea, went back.. met asyiq and syamil and another guy i forgot his name. lepak at SMC (luckily that bitch nvr came) and yea we parted at riverside sec when i need to take my sister at qihua. came back home blah3... you fill up the blanks. haha!
i woke up at 9. instead at 7. school starts at 8.30. and i missed 1 lesson. haha! im gonna fail my PEEE.. ergh. aniwaes, went school for maths only. was quite tired back then lah. after all the maths suffering, went back with yan zhao and boon this time. and me and yan zhao talked abt the same stuffs again! but this time more to islam and gangster, the mats ( ah-beng melayu ) and well, other stuffs abt our past schools. it was funny lah when yan zhao said this." got fish cannot swim arh?" then i and boon was like laughing lah! where got fish cannot swim. haha! then yan zhao said there is. i and boon was like "????? HUH?????" and he said this "________"
NYEHAHAHA! i ont wanna tell you guys the answer coz it will just spoil the joke if i told it. NYEHAHAHA! if you wanna know the answer, ask me ok? ahahahaha!
after that time flies sooo damn fast. the next thig i remembered is going to WRSS.
yea after me and asyiq at last meet, we went to WRSS for sjab. after reaching school, we were like, ok, i dont wanna go. "lets go to my place" asyiq said. then i was like.. were infront of the school already and now then you say this. hahaa! but then i agreed at last. just as we were abt to pass by the gate, the security guard said," tk singgah ker?" and at last we changed our plans. we went in school and just go with the flow. and its been a long time since we saw our juniors. aww... i miss them. and we met that sissy guy again. ergh! why did he come again? nb lah. aniwaes had "fun" while training them i should say.
and why did you say sorry after like 2~3 weeks of not replying back? its not worth it anymore lah. you already got a guy so try to hold that relationship for as long as possible ok? and sry but i still have a grudge on you. its just that im not showing. coz its not worth to show it infront of you. it'll just make mine and your situation worser. just let it be like this until youre prepared for a long relationship ok? for now were just friends. normal friends.
dont bother to read that. you guys just wont understand.
and yea after that me and asyiq went to his place. and watched "Just Follow Law" ahahaha!
it was a funny show i tell you. theres drama, humour (lots of it), some "sexy" scenes and lots of common sense jokes! hahaha! then went back. asyiq went of to woodlands while i went back home. and yea i cant deny it, today was FUNFUNFUN! ahaha!
can anybody teach me maths for free? i really need the help now.. okok that was sooo random. haha! if anybody can help me, ill be thankful! ^_^
im off.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Sunday, July 15, 2007♠
okok ive not been updating.
im soo busy lah to update.
exams are coming in like 4 weeks time. yeayea wtf rite?
soo freaking fast. i know. and im starting to study already. and try my best not to fail any of my subject. ergh, its hard i know. but ill just have to try my best.
soo, on thursday. well, yea i woke up late. muscles aches hear and there. and i hate it. coz whenever i laugh, i will feel the pain in my stomach. argh. if i laugh more, and tears come out, only godknows if i laughed soo hard and cried coz its too funny or its too painful for me till i cant take it. haha! okok back to the story. well, nothing much happened. haha! or at least nothing much that i remembered. nothing much hapenned on friday too. just the normal routine i go through everyday.
ouh yea! 2nd day at work yesterday. and im beginining to think that im more of a childcare worker then a promoter. ergh. kids playing non-stop, kids fighting, stepping hard on the equipment, smacking the console with the tennis rackets accidentally, smacking my hand accidentally, and well.. taking the boxing gloves and boxxed me. -_-
it was worthwhile though. i made a friend. and i still dont know his name. how sad. hahaha!
and yea i dont know where is where in junction 8 still! wheres the coffeeshop? the KFC? the MCD?(that 1 i found out last week XP) the ******* area? ergh. but i managed to survive. and NOBODY BOUGHT MY PRODUCTS YESTERDAY! WTF! okok nvm amir, i know i can depend on asyiq on the sales. hahaha!
ok soo today was and still is boring again. DUH. okok gtg watch BLEACH!
saiyonara suckers!
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007♠
POLY 50 = drop dead tiring.
ill touch on that later. today i was almost late lah seh! hahahaah! but manage to reach EEE building at the nick of time. and i found out EEE building got basement! hahahaha! and theres no reeption there lah. sooo freaking pissed when i couldnt call my friend to ask wheres the lab class held. -_-. aniwaes, it was kinda ok. need to do etching, exposure and stuffs. on the PCB ( Phua Chi Bai ). hahaha! i dont know the real name of that thing so ill just name it as what my friends call it. hahahaaha!
back to the poly 50 story! yea it was fun though. hahhaa! i was having a flu at 1st. but it gradually turned out fine for me. PANADOL ROX! soo despite my slight fever and flu, i continued on and just ran like nobodys business. and i still cant believe Zee knocked out before me. and i didnt even knockout or giveup. no cheerings though from us. hahaaha! aniwaes, that asyiq was there. but not running. damn him. hahhaaha! and syamil didnt turn up, damn him too for not turning up lah seh! hahaha! O.o met shiffa after like.. how many months! haha! she looked hawt. okok random.
aniwaes, back to poly 50, well, like i said, Zee knocked out after like... 20~30 rounds. and i still went onlah, although my body cant take it, my mind wasnt in the right place though. it just say go on! and irfans words kept running through my mind. well he said this " Comon Amir, pejap celik pejam celik dah habis. confirm nyer." and well, another thought ran through my mind which is what i said after he said that to me. " kalau pejam celik pejam tk celik cam maner?" hahaha! we were laughing although the tired face was still there. XP
and the race ended and we got 62 out of 100++ teams. quite ok i guess. although i thought we got like last? hahaha! took photos and stuffs after that.
and yea, went back to the silat room. they played soccer while me and Zee jsut rested in that air-oh-sooo-goood-conditioned room. hahaa! we were tired and pancit lah seh! and they came back, we crapped like nobodys business. haha! sha,me and irfan joked about the lames stuffs lah. what the hay! "irfan, that was lame." hahaha! okok nvm INSIDE JOKE!
so yea, went back at like 7.40pm. met asyiq, memel, ziz and hamzah and went back. nothing important or exciting happened there though. and ouh yea. im penniless now. ARGH! ill jsut have to wait for tmrw... T_T
and im sooo dead tired~
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Monday, July 09, 2007♠
i still haven't get your answer...
aniwaes, morning started out funny. saw this couple. talking abt transformers.
okay, i didnt mean 2 young couples, i meant 2 old marrie couples talking abt the movie transformers. OMG! sooo freaking funny! talk abt the story, how angry she was at bumblebee and optimus prime and some other shit. is this transformers movie really that great? i know the robots are but, the story line? i dont know myself.. haha! not planning to watch though. XP
aniwaes, went for maths. blah3, then skipped DE. coz the lessons damn plain boring.
and yea, thats my day. quite boring rite? dont bother reading anymore.
XP, and yea, after i get my 1st pay, imma go watch a movie with somebody whose interested. and it'll be my 1st movie that i will watch with a friend. ^_^. WHOSE THE LUCKY SOUL? i dont know. hahaha! VOLUNTEERS? i blanje. XP
ok im bored.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Saturday, July 07, 2007♠
today was my 1st day at work! argh!!
couldnt celebrate live earth liao. but nvm. at least i saw my beloved YBs! love love you all!
aniwaes, started work at 12. was kinda nervous. nobody to guide you leh. what the hay.
hahaha! but at last it got quite fun lah. playing the XaviX machine. kinda cool i should say.
but its just the pricing thats a bother. $159 for the XaviXport. then the rest of the games range from $106~$179. hahaha! quite expensive but cheaper then that nintendo Wii. lotsa people got confused this XaviX with the nintendo Wi.
soo what id do? PSYCHO THEM! tell them the good points of Xavix from Nintendo Wii. eh, i wanna skip this part arh. sooo boring rite? okok then after babysitting(XP) those children, went for break! with my beloved YBs! nyehahaha! theyre a bunch of soooo kecoh yet cute people seh. talked abt stuffs that i missed when i wasnt around for the sports day and the days b4 that. to tell you the truth, their babbles are the 1st babbles that i like to hear. i dont know why. coz they sounds soo cute when they babble about those stuffs to me. haha! really seh, soo kawaii! XP okok enuf.
and yea, they temaning me for soo long. but i know they werent there watching me do my work. they were there to watch the children shake their butts when they play the boxing or aerostep. hahahahahaa! yea and they gave me this cookie. soooo sweet. i cant eat them seh. got this kind of sentimental value in it. eh, sry emotek part. hahaha!
so yea, ended work at 10.09pm. my family went to see me work. nyehahaha! so aishah, does that answer your qn of did i saw any ghost at bishan MRT? hahaha! sry but i didnt go back by MRT lah seh! my family kindly brought me home. but before that went to Madina to eat. sooo hungry and thirsty at that time.
and yea here i am. overall the day was ok. and to tell you the truth, standing for 4 hrs, then break, then standing for another 4~5 hrs wasnt that badd. coz usually if i stand for 1 hr, my legs would be tired already. but no! i couldnt believe myself that i survived for 10hrs in junction 8 without even going out and EVEN TO THE TOILET! hahahahaha!
and thx again to my beloved YBs for coming down to junction 8 to see me work and keeping me company! after i get my 1st pay, all of you guys get free pizza hut meals!!! ^_^ or KFC, or MCD. XP. anything lah, except for those expensive restaurants which 1 time meal my money all gone. hahahahaa! i <3 YBs.
and ouh yes, YBs spotted my mistake. its junction 8. not bugis junction. i always got confused. XP. sorry larh! my fault! MY FAULT! XP
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Thursday, July 05, 2007♠
lets pretend that everythings ok, shall we?
yea, so yesterday was the soo called free-of-problems day. trying to forget everythings that happened lah. and yea it went quite as i expected it to be. noting important happen. yea. haha!
aniwaes, in the afternoon meet asyiq! coz he got for me a job slot! what a cool bro. and yes, its a confirm get. waiting to start work only i think. and my father disagrees halfly that i should work. but who cares! i want to. nyehahahaha! bad son am i? XP
and yes. today school was MENDAK! soo tiring. yesterday slept late again. cant get that thougt off my mind. what the hay. so kinda sleep and stuffs. played games. AGAIN! and yea, met asyiq again after school. went for job training. XaviX is some fun stuffs! but quite tiring. got boxing, tennis and other kinds of version of sports to play. theres 7 to be exact, but only 5 is sold now. aniwaes we were briefed on what were suppose to do or talk. was boring though seeing that person play and we must see only =_=. and did i tell you iwe went o vivo for the training? so yea! explored VIVO!! with asyiq only lah. kalau ader GF kan bagos? bwk gi rooftop then can romantic2 pat saner. the rooftop was nice. 1st time been there. OK FINE! I ADMIT IM A SUB-URBAN GUY! coz i dont go to town much.. haha! sat there with asyiq admiring the view. then we went back to woodlands. reach vivo at 6 and after everything, reached woodlands at like. 8.30? time flies very fast.....
then thats the end of my day. and im quite tired now. AND PLEASE LET ME BE RIGHT ON TIME TMRW!!!! if been late for the whole of this week. class start at 8, i come at 9. class start at 10, i come at 10.30. class start at 8.30? i come at 9.15. argh... let me sleep peacefully tonight oh god please? clear my mind ( if can try to brainwash the memories dont wanna remember ) please? thank you if you did. if not, ill just ber with the pain. ^_^ and that sentence is sooo emoshit. shittily-emo i tell you. and i hate being emo. TECHNO PLEASE!
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007♠
and yea. today was such a ripp off.
things didnt planned the way i planned it out to be. fcuk.
not accepting nonsense till everythings alright. at least for me.
abt this post. dont bother to read it.
on sunday. alot of things happen. well im just gonna say this.
i woke up. msg here and there, went lib, someone left halfway and i went back. done.
dont wanna explain the details here. if not ill just get stressed up again.
aniwaes, monday WE HAD LESSONS! fcuk. but it was fun arh. went back at 12. NYEHAHAHAHA! met asyiq. and stressing part.. blah3. haha! i was going giler man when i heard i was gonna geddit. but in the end. nope. so my giler just stopped.
haha! then thats the end for yesterday. and btw, happy 5th anniversary to the CRAZY COUPLES! nyehahaha!
aniwaes. todays school as usual. and my lecturer for Project CAD is fcuked up. my friend nvr come, then the lecturer ask, wheres your friend? the fat girl to aishah ( classmate). bastard rite? then yesterday i just reformatted my comp. and when i told him that, he say why? you know ...........blah3.............. then i stared at him arh. then he say., " stand there for f.... forget it lah." fcuk rite?? cb.
then lunch time, met asyiq and i shall not explain the details here. haha!
and now im in a lecture again. boring... ill update later if any hot hot gossip come in my way. nyehahaha!
and yea. yesterday was confusing again. some qns i just cannot avoid.
and im still confused abt what happen that time. but im not angry at you animore. i think being angry at you was kinda stupid. i just dont know why. and yess, im confused again, coz of some info i got just now. fcuk.
♠ Let's Shuffle.