Saturday, June 30, 2007♠
so. todays friday.
and im happy again.
so yea, exams are finished! YAHOOO!! 3 out of 4 papers COMFIRM FAIL WOHOO!!
i dont freaking care lah. 5% only. fcuk it. aniwaes, im gonna change my blog skin lah sey. but i dont know how to search for gdgd blogskins. haha!
okok my life story abt today. woke up at 11. send sis to school then went smbhyng. then came down to WRSS FOR TRAINING! im beggining to miss WRSS! not the stupid rules and some other stuffs there lah. NYEHAHAHA! aniwaes, met chea hau and father chai and denis and raudah and judah 1st at comp room. send in proposals. and stuffs. then came down to seee them train. WTF that sissy over there already. fcuk. he was teaching the sec2s. then i move to sec 1s. saw them train. and he came to sec 1s. then i went off lah. to see the sec 2s again. i was already pissed at him that time. then went to see NA doing their comp training. and after happily training them, he came. and disturb. he tried to lah. then talk2 to me and stuffs. wahlao you guys shud see my acting. can win 100 oscar awards for best main male actor. nbcb soo acted gd infront of him. then after footdrill was done, it was first aid and TOC or sec 2s. ms siti asked me to supervise the TOC. but NOOOO!!! he came when the sec2s are changing to PT kit. WTF. and he didnt event asked me if i was gonna take them or not. well, some people saw my face like soo freaking pissed at him. and i just went off. chea hau was already bursting his anger like volcano dah erupt giler babi nyer. then went to see 1st aid. it was ok. then it was communit singing. FCUK HIM for not letting the sec 3s boys go for SING ALONG! MY FAVOURITE PART OF THE DAY! WATANABEI! CBCBCBCB!!! aniwaes, had fun with the sec 3,2,1s. then last parade, and btw, chea hau left. so i and him was the only instructors left. argh, he talked to me again. like some innocent arsehola. NBNBNBNB! CBCBCBCB! and yeah, went back home. i mean to SMC 1st. met asyiq, talk abt what happen, and he was pissed to. at this story lah. that sissy ass. then went back home.
and im still pissed at him. fcuk lets 1 on 1 with me. please let me ms siti? please? 1 on 1 lah! then all of the YBs, instructors, sec 3,2,1s alll gangbang him lah! PLEASEPLEASE? ouh yea its no use, ms siti doesnt go bloghopping. she doesnt even know i have blog.
okok crap talk. aniwaes, SISSYBACK SUX!! dont come again. if you come, youll see everybody anti-ing you arsehola.
aniwaes, beside all that drama abt that sissyback, im still happy! ^_^ NYEHAHAHAHA!
that phrase is stuck on my mind!!! ARGH! YB, i hold you guys responsible for that. ARGH!
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007♠
well. this week is exams week.
WHY THE FCUK did they make the exams after the holidaes. damnit.
im soo freaking pissed lah with my school.
and ill be in noo moood to blog for now till friday. coz fridays the day that im looking forward to this and the coming weeks. :D
saiyonara guys. MUGGing all night long. hmm.. i mean TECHNOing all night long! YAY!
okok if you wanna see what i did from 10pm just now, dont go and read nures blog for furthur details. thank you.
KHAAAKPUUUIII!!! nvm nvm nures, i will get my revenge on one of the rainy days. HAHAHA!
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Saturday, June 23, 2007♠
okok no title.
aniwaes, updating abt today only.
went library today. for a while then go off. met syamil then aziz then asyiq then go thailand.
well after that, went to eat at the coffee shop. and then go play takraw with the N.A boys. was fun!
they on their techno songs. and it made me high. played takraw and won some matches.
COOL!! after that i had stomachache. i swear my **** can burst at that time.
went back at 10.30. was thinking of a reason to tell my father why i came back soo freaking late. and well, went back home. had everything planned and ready to tell my father my white lies. guess what, he wasnt home yet. PHEWH. safe and sound.
okok post is soooo freaking short. coz its 12.58am now and i got a long day tmrw. meeting at stadium at 11am and then got CD CIP at bukit batok from 5.30 to 9.30pm. freaking hell.
and dont wait for my post tmrw, i think ill post on sunday or maybe when school reopens.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Monday, June 18, 2007♠
im soo happyyyyyy todae. dont ask why.
okok so ive been out of my house everyday from 10~11 everyday. and going home at 7~9.30 pm everyday too.. since the camp ended. OMG. its been like 6days since camp ended, and i still miss camp.
and yea, been.. STUDYING?? hmm. a lil though. XP
usually its been lepaks here and there..
haha! i will only tell about my story today, since i forgot what i did last 3 days. XP
so today went library again..
blah3.. well it turned out great. the proposals weve started and yea! were gonna make this happen!! what happen you ask? i wont tell you guys till its ready! XP
soo i really had fun today.. and HAPPYYYY!!! AT LAST!! IM FREAKING HAPPPYYYY!!!
like.. YAYY!!! okok enuf amir. meluat org tngk kau.
so yea. thats my day today? how abt yours? ouh yea i can go read you bloggies rite? haha! okok
see you all ard soon people at mars and venus!
saiyonara peeps! til tmrw i guess.. ^_^
and im still happyyyy!!! XP
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Friday, June 15, 2007♠
Tears in Heaven- Eric Clapton
Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven?
Would you feel the same
If I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong and carry on
cause I know I dont belong here in heaven...
Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven?
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven?
Ill find my way through night and day
cause I know I just cant stay here in heaven...
Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees
Time can break your heart, have you begging please...begging please
Beyond the door theres peace Im sure
And I know therell be no more tears in heaven...
Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven?
Would you feel the same
If I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong and carry on
cause I know I dont belong here in heaven...
cause I know I dont belong here in heaven....
awww.. im hearing this song over and over again just to forget the missingness of your guys out there. missingness of SJAB.
AHH!! i miss you all!!! and kawaii-chan too!
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Thursday, June 14, 2007♠
omg.. this song always by bon jovi sooo damn nice. another song tears in heaven also nice.
AHHH!! im starting to listen to blues..
IMMM MISSSSIIINNNNGGG camp lyke *tooooooooooooooooooooooooot*.
i miss the people especially. i miss the events and activities. i miss the scoldings.
i miss the crazy singing and cheering. i miss miming. i miss being crazy. i miss eye-candying.
i miss the juniors, i miss the environment, i miss the stage, i miss the toilet, i miss the classrooms.
i miss the DNT block. i miss the scaring, i miss being the ghost, i miss being laugh, i miss laughing with sjab members, i miss the bonds between us. i miss my second family (which is SJAB) i miss ms siti, i miss chea hau, i miss asyiq, i mis som, i miss wanie, i miss wee yeong, i miss wee seng, i miss amos, i miss dawn, i miss yong jun, i miss nures, i miss roq, i miss the sec 4s, i miss the sec 3s, i miss the sec 2s and i miss the sec 1s. i miss the food. i miss the toilet rolls. i miss the drinks, i miss my sore throats. i miss my strepsils, i miss kawaii-chan, i miss the canteen tables, i miss the canteen chairs, i miss the watercooler, i miss the stairs, i miss the quadrangle, i miss the balls, i miss the pond, i miss the stretcher, i miss the goalpost, i miss the sticks, i miss the st johns room, i miss the volleyball court, i miss the basketball court, i miss footdrills, i miss firedrills, i miss PT, i miss all the activities!!!!!!
i miss the fun, i miss the excitement, i miss the anxiety, i miss the sadness, i miss the happiness, i miss the 'confuseness', i miss the blurrness, i miss the sleepiness.
I.. Miss... Everything.. About the Camp.
i must blame st john for making this camp sucha memorable one that im going crazy missing wrss sjab lah..
aniwaes, continue with my life story.
went library with atikah, asyiq and ayuni. the FOUR A's! haha!
was hmm.. should i say fun? haha! aniwaes, i didnt quite study anything over there.
haha! say wanna study then never study.
then went back, and played soccer with asyiq, som, farhan, roq, merv, long jie and helmi joined in too. was like the ol' times where after school the 1st thing in mind is soccer. those were the days. okok mir. stop reminiscing (spell check) about the past.
went back and still missing camp. what i did today, well only ease a ll of my missingness of the SJAB camp.
i freakingly dont know why i miss camp. last year and last 2 years camp was better then this years camp but i miss this years cam more then last year and last 2 years. ARGHHH i dont know why.
and i wanna say thx to all those juniors who wrote nice2 and sweet comments about us instructors. well i think maybe that made the instructors and me misss you guys soo much lah!
but seriously, it was sweet of you guys to tell us that you want us back for next year for camp and ask us to come down for training and this and that. makes us feel that were really being needed. haha! okok stop with the mushy2 stuffs. i gonna cry already if this goes on. WAHAHAHA!
okok, i miss you guys!!! still!!! see you guys soon! ^_^
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007♠
and sry i made you mad today lah. really sorry.
OUH SHYT. i already misssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss camp. i misssssssss everything about camp lyke fcccccuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkk!!!
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007♠
CAMPP!!~~~ ( continued)
yea i didnt update abt some other details andthe campnite lah! haha! so continuing...
well, on the 2nd day, i became crazy. it was the sing along time and me and chin hong was the crazy bunch.
got ready to sing along like crazy. and yes, we did sing along like crazy. chin hong go slap his thighs until it was blue black, coz he was soo excited over the boom chika wakka song.
and yea learned a new cheer from chin hong. cool clapping and painfull but fun cheer from him haha! well, on campnite, it was fun. well, i know the PCS and APCs had problems interacting with their juniors and it was last minute so it was kinda okeh. and i was supposed to sing for the sec 4s the to be with you song but i didnt. i lost my voice a lil and i talk funny so i didnt want to sing. in the end, they took radzee to sing. he forgot the lyrics so me and ms siti tried to sing along with him. haha! and yes our performance. my miming was stupid. and that miming was me and chin hongs idea. well, now were known as the 2 jokers of SJAB camp. i hope theres more junniors like our batch immerging. i can see some already developing that crazy yet serious quality like us! haha! shall not name them though.
so overall, the campnite went ok and the ghost walk went quite good for my station at the toilet although i cant say its scary for the rest of the station. haha!
ok im gonna miss sjab camp again. im gonna have to wait for another 1 year for this camp again. ive got to wait abt 2 more years for the next ghostwalk to be held in the camp again. i have to wait for everything again. but what i know is that im still gonna be the old, crazy me again when i go for this once every year camp. and im gonna miss you guys alot. and i really mean alot. AHH!!!! nvm ill try to come down for my trainings to see what theyre doing. and meet ms kawaii!! haha!
Saiyonara guys!~
see you guys soon~~ i hope~~
updated at 10.16PM
camp was fun. seriously.
i didnt go and camwhore there though so no pics for you guys. and anyways, when since did my post have pics in it? boring rite? thats why nobody come here. AHAHA!
okok so 1st day, was thinking of not sleeping. and i didnt sleep. seriously. well, i slept on the 2nd day after doing some fun PT. it was... FUN arh! but tiring lyke hell. that crazy asyiq did some crazy stretching and exercise. this that blah2 and i slept after breakfast. haha!
and ouh yea, 1st day was quite boring. seriously.
back to 2nd day. woke up, and they had their ACI. roq came to school. helped us with the nightwalk. well, it wasnt just a nightwalk. it was a GHOST walk. yea. SCARY RITE? HMM? HMM? haha! aniwaes, nures came later with her mom and cute lil sis. we asked them for help coz of shortage of manpower to decorate and scare the hit out of our juniors for the nightwalk. so they volunteered, blah3. and did i say that in the instructors bunk, theres like..6~7 laptops. haha! it was like a LAN gaming shop. but i only touched my laptop like for 5~30mins and went off for something else. and i lost half of my voice by the 2nd day. AHHH!! at night, met amirah! she was with wanie. went back. the nighwalk planning was delayed though. coz most of the people incharge of planning had already knocked out. and i knocked out too. infront of aishah and nabila. WAHAHA! they had to do night duty and they cant sleep but i slept infront of them. how bad am i! wahaha! nvm.
okok so 3rd day, didnt went for PT. i was too tired lah. waked up at 11? yea and i had to wait for lunch then can eat. in the mean time was helping the ghost walk thingy. didnt interact with the sec 1 and 2s so much though. hahaha! but they know me SIAO! wahaha! maybe im the craziest amongst my batch so that explains it. roq took the time to go SP and take the ghost clothes and props. soo good of him to help man. after that, after much discussion, instead of becoming marhalls, we became ghosts. and i got to become the ghost at toilet lvl 4. HAHA! and comon, even us, the ghost, was scared lah of that place, so dark. especially the way to go inside the boys toilet. AND ITS IN THE BOYS TOILET OKEH! although not scary coz boys toilet, its still was scary. went testing the darkness and blackness, and yea we freaked out a lil. but what made us freak out like FCUK was safarina becoming the CIK PON!(malay-female ghost) everyone was like SIALLAH! FREAKING SCARY SIA! and yea, the juniors who went to the toilet was 99% freaked out because of her lah. hahahaha! and i think that our station was the most scariest place out of the rest lik DNT block, clasroom and hall. too bad we didnt make it at the art block or rooms. if we did that, people would be stucked inside crying. HAHA!
well 4th day was normal. clean-up blah3. and went home. im not tired though, coz i slept at 5 and waked up at 7.30. slept again till 9.30 coz the sec 1 2 3s arranging the tables in our bunk and i was like OMG MY STUFFS ARE ALL AROUND THE PLACE! CAN YOU ALL JUST WAIT AND LET ME RECOVER MY THINGS AND GET IT OUT OF THE CLASS BEFORE YOU ALL CAN CLEAN UP?!? haha!
overall, the camp was quite ok compared to the last 2 years. they were much better in my opinion.
im done. and i think shes sooo kawaii~! ah!~
updated at 4:33 PM
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Thursday, June 07, 2007♠
today is a very special day. you all know why? hehehe...
coz today the date is 07.06.07 lah! style what. then you all thinking about what arh? wahahaha!
aniwaes, yesterday was the 1st time i went silat after the elearning week. how great is that? skipped for 2weeks but im not trying to skip it anymore. JGN SAMPAI NIATKU UNTUK PERGI SANER BATAL!! haha! and yea silat is always fun rite? XP. and ouh yea. yesterday my lesson was from 10am to 10.30am. and no more lesson after that. how funny is that. some came late and reached exactly at 10.30 just to find out they missed school. WAHAHA!
well, today i went configuring my comp for the 3rd time in my SP life. coz the comp cant onnect to spwireless. im soo damn !@#$$%^ with my laptop. always got soo many problems with this and that. now i regret about buying a VALUE-BUY laptop. budget-budget stuff will always be budget for theres a reason behind it that people just dont quite realise coz they are blinded by the price of the stuff. KWANG3!
lesson was boring as usual. played CS blah2.. and yea had a Structured programming test again. i cheated again, with joels help again. haha! i intended to cheat by writing the pseudocode and the cpp. text in the paper. but O.o i copied the wrong chapter. coz i wasnt paying attention for the tutorials an i didnt know that he was gonna test on a new subject with a new format. damn.
but what i can say is that, thx to everything, i can pass without worrying abt anything HAHA!
and can i bee stupid in saying that im gonna end typing this shit at 7.67pm? coz its 8.07pm now.
okok chao! typing again tmrw! wahahaha!
Shin~ updated at : 7.67pm. XP
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007♠
haha yea. ive been listening to techno musics since lie 2 days ago. almost non-stop.
yea. i know it sounds crazy but i dont care. i love it WAHAHA!
feel the beat everybody. ok that was soo random.
aniwaes, yesterday after school went to sonia since SMC spot was taken by some apek. sat there till hana and firah went home with their bfs company. i went home for a while to charge almost everything that i can charge. went off again at 7 and meet at motorola/banyar. it was fun, with techno music from me and blues music from syamil. the majority seem to prefer blues to techno. oh well. went back blah3. and my day must end with me playing pokemon before i knock out. haha!!!
today was kinda fun. i just went in to a class that i had missed for week 2, 4 & 6. and i came in late. -_- and the shocking part is that, THERE WAS A TEST!! OMG! i dont know anything about what were learning then lecturer just gave me test. luckily wee hao helped me and i scored like 76/100! HAHA! happy already. and i never did study anything. XP
after that was CD. it was fun with all the presentations. 1 sad story, 1 stupid story and 1 halfway buff-ed story that took soo long to upload from youtube. HAHAHA! yea spwireless sux. i had problem connecting to spwireless just now but now ok.. okok ill skip about the part i just smashed my laptop on my table coz i was soo freakin angry at it.
then it was lunch, and PEEE. and yea. i tel you the definition of PEEE. PEEE means Sleep, Stone, and Counter Strike. the lesson was normally boring just like other daes so went and own some guys in my class. now im 2/3rd ranking in my class. HAHA! still havent defeated kenny so i dont know whether im 2nd or 3rd best shooter in my class. XP
and ouh yes! STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING! that was the most fun lesson for today. well it started out boring but as then i decide to blast my techno music. everybody was like feeling the beat i should say? haha! yea but me and efong was the most kamcheng 1! haha! dance here and there. typing according to beat (we typed fast you know!), stomping our feet according to the beat, making the lecturer thinking if we were poly student of people from IMH. haha! and how dare he call me a malay monkey and Efong a Chinese monkey?!? haha but nvm we had fun HAHA!
and i wanna say thanx to the you to nures for sending me those GREAT2 techno songs! wahaha! and no thanx to the you for blogghoping and telling everybody im an irritating dude. no need to remind me coz i know i am one. WAHAHAHA!
so now im typing this while trying to calm myself down by blogging and listening to techno songs. HAHA! why im trying to calm down? COZ DE AND STRUCTURED PROGGRAMMING TEST COMING SOON!!! AHHH!!! okok. i gtg study babes! LETS GO!
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Sunday, June 03, 2007♠
haha! yea part of my post is about some minah.
okok lets start out what i did yesterday, since i didnt have the time to update yesterday. Busy MAN im am wahaha!
i slept late at 3am trying to figure out why am i stucked in Celadon City and i cant go cycling road and Saffron City (POKEMON!) yea. ive got nothing better to do so just played that game out of boredom.
woke up at 11 yesterday. and did nothing but mugged at home, waiting for my parents to go out.
then i went out to meet azmi and hasif at azmi's house at 2. yea jammed the song Mr Big - To Be With You. gonna sing it in camp.. SOO MALU!
aniwaes, after that went o meet farhan and we lepak with latiff, aan, farhan(sweat) and sakinah. yat came up later when we went to aan house. yea then asyiq msg to lepak with him so i did lepak with him at 8. then THERE HE WAS! WHILE WAITING, HE WAS PLAYING POKEMON!!! and i tought im the only wierdo playing pokemon at my age LOL!!
yea so we hang ard at that place where we call motorola (long story, wanna know where? ask me XP). blah3 then we wanted to go home. we said bye to firah from her house and she said bye too.. then the MINAHS MINAHS behind us was like BYE!. preasaan langsung. tngk umur.. cam 15+ gituk ajek.. then nk ckp mesti ader chibai, fuck, pukimak, kanina. ckp sumer kasar2.. ape nk jadi... then we retaliate a lil bit and just walk off, making dilayan, makin over drama kereka orang katekan kn? wahaha! yea. but they were freakin irritating arh. cam fcuk sey.
okok if anybody got good rock songs or eurobeat or techno songs, please please MSN me and gime what you have!!! thanx to the you for those who did! i love you all! MUACKZ TO MY FANS! wahaha! okok lame nvm.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Friday, June 01, 2007♠
well, quite a topic. but its got only a lil bit to do with my post.
and for today, ill try not to talk nonsense.
well, the day started out ok. kinda went late to school and accidentally met firah otw to school.
went to school and did the normal stuffs. and went back home. asyiq called me to meet him so we did meet each other and went off to SMC and on our laptops. surf the net, chat and stuffs. it was fun. met syamil and just continued our normal merepek.
and we had this talk about life. broad topic but i shall not say what we talked though.
well, that talk really made me think of it now. do we really need have principles in our life? can we really control what we do if were really at that situation? do we really have enough time to repent before the the gates to repentance is closed? stuffs like that. serious stuffs i should say. this is one of the serious talk that really make me think hard. cause this determines my personality and behaviour in the future. and time is short now. we really need to prepare ourselves for the furute now and not let things have their own way and we just go wih the flow. we should have control of our life and strive for the best. whats soo good about being a bad boy when you will have no future later and in the afterlife. and these things are still lingering in my mind. well, i dont know why but i should try and lower down my merepeks and start being serious for once in my life.
if you guys dont understand, then nvm. coz its really hard to put my thinkings to words. my brain speaks another language.
♠ Let's Shuffle.