Wednesday, May 30, 2007♠
wahaha! yes this is a phrase i made. COPYRIGHT LAWS!
so no 1 is supposed to use this without my permission! okok stupid...
aniwaes, havent been updating much last week coz i had to do lotsa projects and soo on..
you know what i mean. if not, then dont wahaha!
oOO.. and i skipped 2 silat lessons already.. bad bad me...
its been sooo hard trying to understand lectures now. im at a loss coz ive always been playing games when lecture commences. shyt i really need to revise. or study what ive been missing in the lectures.
and yesssss the long awaited camp ive been waiting for 1year has finally come! on 9 to 12 june theres gonna be a sjab camp again! which means lepaks, and fun.. and no sleep and maybe soccer and fun and lepak and fun and lepak and fun and lepak and fun and lepak and it goes on without saying. haha! yea, really looking forward to it! and i hope there'll be no remedials or anything in that time. AHHH! if that happens, and if its compulsory.. im soo gonna hate my course..FOREVER!
OUH yea.. i have another reason why i havent been updating. VIRUS!! yes theres a virus in my laptop so i need to reformat and reconfigure my laptop. ARGH! soo leceh man. but it was worthwhile arh. ^_^
aniwaes, im under a block using free wireless connection now.. and ive done with telling abt my life coz ive been doing nothing lately.. WAHAHA! yea nothing. so quite boring arh my life correct? wakaka! okok im done till later.. later as in.. tmrw? tmrw tmrw? tmrw tmrw tmrw? yea lets just hope and see if i really have the time to update with my subjects being a blurr to me. i seriously dont know what im studying for and what im studying for LAH!! yea...
okok im really done for now.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007♠
The Right Mendak, At The Wrong Time.
yea its sooo bored jus sitting at home doing particularly nothing except for going on SP website and dong my stupid homework. i just hate structured programming.
anyways, yesterday i went and followed wanie ans syaza to play soccer with RPians. haha!
at 1st i didnt engage with them well coz i dont know them. but they just talk to me like they know me. and they call me daddy for dunno what reason and i just followed along haha!
it was fun yea but had to go home fast coz had to take sis back from school. -_-
okok back to my story. oh wait. no more story to tell =P
with Maths, PEEE, DE Tutorials, Structured Programming, Character Development and MATHS Projects stuck in between my !@#, it sure is gonna be a busy week.
im outta here.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Saturday, May 19, 2007♠
Fun Fun Fun~!
haha! yes you can read it.
okok lemme start this from the beggining of the day.
well, it sux on friday to be honest, coz its abt 5hrs of maths. yea 5hrs.
haha! i still dont have panda eyes though seeing numbers, coz this time, i quite understand 1ce joel(classmate) helped me. that 11pointer, soo smart coz he dont need to listen to what the teacher teaching and he can do the tutorials w/o problems. haha!
aniwaes, after school, did the normal routine, went back home.. and met SYAMIL!
haha! it was damn fun lepaking with him. he bought his laptop to school so we tapped sumbodys net from that area and just surfed the internet. well, we went blogghopping but didnt tagged in any1 of em though haha! and syamil got this slogan webbie. OMG its sooo stupid! the slogans and the words we type in though! haha! like this > The Right Mendak, At The Right Time. haha!
and some names lyke mine and his, typed in bapok and stuff like that and it came out almost all funny and making logic!
yea then went home, changed and met syamil again for he is still there, sitting and waiting for his friends to collect their olvl cert. then at last we splitted up, him waiting for his friends at the bustop while i walked to CWP, going to silat.
silat was fun, get to learn Silat SP identity. haha! then did some tiring kicking. and the last part strecthing your muscles to the limit. i swear that my veins were gona burst if that stretchng excercise was longer... haha but it was fun though!
then after silat, the gang went back together, and we decided to eat. well, they didnt know where to eat so i suggest them CWP banquet. then they were like WHY CWP Banquet?? then i said i only got 1 ride left in my concession. haha and they agreed to go CWP and eat there. yay! im sucha big influence... then in the MRT it was laughter laughter laughter. me and hadi continued on and on and on... with our stupid lame ass jokes. haha some jokes of his i dont quite get it and some of my jokes he dont quite get it too coz maybe both of us are selow lah but i dont mind. haha! coz we made the whole gang which went back with us laugh like mad. hahaha!
went cwp and eat... and joke ard again. haha! went home at 10pm. say our gdbyes and did our own handshakes.. and went home.
haha im nvr gonna be bored of my silat friends haha!
yea e-learning week next week. 1 week of Stress! haha! coz lecturers stuffed us with tons of hwk lah.. lyke WTH gituk!! haha and i thought it was supposed to be a holidae or sorta relaxing week -_-
^_^ aniwaes, im done for now.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007♠
lol! ive been hearing this Girlfriend - Avril Lavinge song alot of times.
shyt im addicted to it. why? coz the song is very very funny. dont know why though XP
hey hey guess what! i hate acer -_- coz they nvr give me garskin! THEY DIDNT GIVE ME THE PAPER TO ORDER!!! damn it. ive been duped by ACER. and now i know why fujitsu rox XP
ouh yea, GUYS! HELP ME! I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT LOGARITHM and my lecturer already move on to TRIGONOMETRY and i really need HELP IN LOGARITHM. err... HELP? yea HELP!! well i hate my maths lecturer, she nvr give us time to relax in class, everythings a rush.. like wtf sey, on friday already 5hrs of maths, then monday, 2 hrs. and shes like 1 weeks ahead of the topics. everyday always must do tutorial. ARGH i really dont like maths like i used to when ravin teached me. its like were at our own pace, and now we have to learn to rush. i hate rushing!!!!!
yesterday was ok. kinda like CS all the way. dont know why i cant help it but to open my laptop and just play CS with my friends. such strong influence laptop can bring, and its baddd! and i really need to catch up on PEEE and DE (Principle of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Digital Electronics)
also went to Zara house yesterday, met Syaza and Wanie by coincidence when i was gonna walk home. then they say they going to zara hse to i just went ok coz biler lagik sey i wanna go visit her. haha! went cwp blah3 buy things and stuff then walked to her house. and YESSS i got to try out her crutches!!! haha! it was soo hard using them man, now i have 2nd thought about buying them. <<< was mepek talking XP and yea they were talking abt the tarmimie and ribbon guy that they laugh soo much. i pity those guys. haha! kene bully dengan dorang sumer, behind their back haha! but it was fun while it lasted. then go home and did the norm stuff the went bed.
OMG this song is really sticking to my head..
Hey Hey YOU YOU! I dont like your girlfriend!
No Way No Way i think you need a new one..
Hey Hey YOU YOU! I can be your girlfriend!
No Way No Way...
haha! ok thats gay alright! but i like! haha!
okeh okeh, now time to revise. err... maybe not, ill skip and sleep now haha! after silat sey, soo penat.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Friday, May 11, 2007♠
today im gonna tell you all a story abt my lecturer.
hahaha! yea you think its gonna be a boring story? think again
well, as you all know ive been sick for like 2 days rite? and i missed out alot.
well, i was having this C++ Programming test yesterday. i didnt know what was gonna come out so i asked my lecturer, and he said, " We'll talk later. After Class. "
so just went through the normal routine of a DE (Digital Electronics) class, CS. lol!
yea 4 of s only playing CS, the rest, well, they did their own things. aniwaes, fun fun fun blah3.
after class, i went to him asking if he can teach me. and guess what he said " I cannot teach you now, i got to go eat. well talk later before exam ok?? " i went of saying WTF.
so took my exam. do the passwords and all. and bam, a very big ? mark went through my mind. WTH am i supposed to do with this? i just stared at the screen for 10mins. Joel who was sitting beside me helped me after i looked soo blur. well i asked him lol and well, we almost got kicked out of the exam for talking.
that C++ Programming lecturer is sure sucky for not telling me what to do for the exams.
aniwaes, when its submission time, i was clicking the submit button, and guess what happen, no net connection. that made me mad. was having stomachaches, headache and now these problems. aniwaes, at last i had to do it again. but this time faster coz i remember what to do.
imma hate C++ Programming forever unless theres a change of lecturers.
aniwaes, poly life is harder then i expected. you still need to pay attention in class or you'll be missing out on alot! i mean alot. NO MORE CS AND WW for me.
im done. ops not yet. to my friend zara, tc of your leg okeh? dont move here and there soo much ahaha! then after you okeh already, sell me your crutches!!! kidding XP
now im really done.
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007♠
ok, gosh issit the fever season or what??
darn im having a 39.5 degrees fever now. like WTH kn gituk?
haiz, anyway i will take my time to blog ^_^
well, last friday and saturday was my silat camp.
it was hella fun i tell you. the seniors were great!
that time we played a game called concentration, and they picked on me T_T
coz i was soo bad at remembering names. i know i got STM (Short Term Memory) dont have to remind me!! haha!
aniwaes, we had training and stuffs that drains out our last ounch of energy from us. eg. running up to the 8th story. i dont mind but its like, why the heck do you run up to the 8th story when the lift is like right next to you. haha! its part of the training so i dont mind. ^_^
anyways, the last day, we had a cheer presentation. my grp presentation was great although funny. the rest were great too! after all that, they judge us by which grp gets the loudest applause. My grp and asyiqs tied. well, my grp did the same ol' thing again. but when it comes to asyiqs grp, well, sumthing happened. asyiq started the count. and he did a 1 man show! haha!
he was like doing the actions alone and his grp members just laughed at his actions haha!
and when it was judgement time, my grp gets a goo applause but when the host ask the audience to clap to asyiqs grp, everybody silenced for 2 sec followed by laughter coz asyiqs 1 man show didnt work! haha!
fun fun fun. aniwaes, i nvr attend calss yesterday and today. if im not sick then i can go class tmrw! get well soon amir haha!
♠ Let's Shuffle.
Thursday, May 03, 2007♠
O.o what a title.
this is real. believe it or not.
i think my parents room is haunted.
OMG, know why. lemme tell you what happened.
last friday i was trying to webcam with asyiq using wireless but it failed because it was too laggy.
then i decided to go to my parents room to use the wired net.
we had funn looking at each other in webcam, because we look stupid. haha!
aniwaes, i wanted to get something from my bedroom then i just left the webcam on. the lights were off though.
then asyiq just stared at my parents dark room surrounding.
then he saw something moving very vigorously. i wasnt there though.
then i went back and continued talking to him. then he was like, 'Amir, whats the white thing behind you?'
in my heart i was like WTF dont scare me. but then i saw that its only a white towel. and i told him thats only a white towel.
so i though it was nothing lah. then he said that white thingy moved vigorously when i wasnt around just now. then i go WTF again.
i on the lights straightaway. it was freaky man. at 1st i didnt believe asyiq. but usually he will laugh when he lies. but for this 1, he was serious. he bro was also witnessing that thing moving vigoously or should i say vibrating...
then i tried to off the lights again and went out of the room for like 1 min.
i off the lights and just stand at the door for 10sec and look if it move. it didnt.
then i went in my room and just stared at the clock for the 1min to past and see if asyiq and bro saw anything funny again. i went back with the lights on and saw asyiq and bro with their blanket over their heads. i asked did they really see or just hide their heads in the blanket and didnt watch anything. they said they saw it then put their heads in their blankies. i go WTF again.
then i just turned the lights on for the rest of my convo with asyiq.
now that was scary. and it happened like last friday only. omg.
this story is based on true account that me and asyiq expeienced.
1 sentence for skeptics : Believe it or Not.
well, back to real life. well, today i got scolded by the china teacher.
why? i had a friendly fight with chin hong. haha! the scenario was like this.
chinhong did the put-the-leg-on-my-chair-and-i-tried-to-take-his-shoes-off scenario.
haha! then we got scolded man. dang. sry sry chin hong. next time dont put your leg on my chair okeh??? haha!! hmm, ouh yes! Structured Programming. 1/3 of the class listened, 1/3 was just stoning and the rest.... Counter Strike!!! haha! yea, it was damn fun. but 1 advice. NVR TRANSFER A CS FILE THROUGH BLUETOOTH! its darn slow trust me.
and ouh, my 1st test is next week. and guess what subject it is. STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING! and thats my most weakest subject. why? cause i dont pay attention in his class and most of the time its either games or MSN chats. OMG having laptops is good but at the same time bad...
im off to catch up what ive ignored in class!
♠ Let's Shuffle.